Label screened comments so that the writer can tell that they're screened

Dec 15, 2008 16:35

Label screened comments so that the writer can tell that they're screened

Short, concise description of the idea
It would be helpful for those who have written a screened comment to be able to see some indicator icon or wording that shows that it is still screened.

Full description of the idea
As things stand right now, if I leave a screened comment to a post, then the poster responds to it (which automatically unscreens it) or otherwise unscreens it, the only way I can tell whether or not they have rescreened it/it remains screened is to log out and check if I can still see it then.

Obviously it makes sense for the writer of a screened comment to be able to see it, but they should also be able to confirm that it is indeed screened without having to logout to do so.

Adding the little screened icon to it, like the one that the original poster sees, or the words "this comment is screened," or something akin to that, would solve the problem.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Improved ease of use and stress relief for commenters on screened posts, avoiding the need to logout just to check whether a comment is still screeened.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Other than the effort it will take to code it, none that I can see.

user interface, comment viewing, accessibility, § no status, comment screening

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