Newline equivalent in email posts

Dec 05, 2008 23:42

Newline equivalent in email posts

Short, concise description of the idea
Parse an alternative string equivalently to newlines in email posts.

Full description of the idea
On my phone, it is not possible to send a newline in an outgoing message. This makes it impossible for me to specify options on a per-message basis; since the command is not on a line by itself, LiveJournal thinks it's just part of my entry text.

I propose that an alternative string be parsed equivalently to a newline in email posts.

Since any character is likely going to be used by at least someone, I suggest just parsing
before the per-entry options, instead of after.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Better control over per-entry options for more people.
  • HTML line breaks are generally used to create line breaks, it's a logical choice.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • May require significant changes to email gateway code, since an HTML line break is certainly different from a newline.
  • I'm sure there's going to be someone out there who wanted "lj-mood: emo" and "lj-tags: feel my pain" at the beginning of their posts, instead of being parsed as metadata.

post by e-mail, entry creation, § no status

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