Refresh Message Count In Header When Deleting Messages

Nov 11, 2008 23:12

Refresh Message Count In Header When Deleting Messages

Short, concise description of the idea
When I delete messages in the message center, the message count in the header remains un-changed until the next re-load.

Full description of the idea
Please do something to change this so that it updates when I make changes -- whether marking as read or deleted. If I have two messages, and I delete one message, my message count should show one right away. I shouldn't have to refresh the page to get an accurate count.

Which I do, because I'm anal like that.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Minimize confusion from inconsistent message count.
  • Cut down on reloads from those of us who're anal about making the actual count be accurate.
  • Small changes like that help usability, but also give the site a more polished feel.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • The userbase, as a large, may or may not notice the change; no love, save from me.
  • Love from me.

user interface, message center inbox, § no status

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