Halloween Home Page

Oct 27, 2008 12:39

Halloween Home Page

Short, concise description of the idea
I was very surprised by the new look of the front page page.

Full description of the idea
Like I said, I was very surprised by the new look of the front page page when I went to tag an entry. I love it! Why can't we have this kind of thing all the time? Maybe you can make interchangeable themes like this one. Personally, I'll hate to lose it.

Maybe you can also make them customizable. It may not be to the extent of our actual LJ themes, but I'm almost positive that it will attract some more people to LJ.

An ordered list of benefits
  • Personal expression
  • Holiday feel
  • Customizable?
  • More attractive
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Might not always be 'child friendly', but follows usual LJ rules

user interface, site schemes, § no status

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