Allow users to set site scheme for their profile page

Sep 26, 2008 22:44

Allow users to set site scheme for their profile page

Short, concise description of the idea
Allow users choice of site scheme to denote what site scheme is shown on THEIR OWN user info./profile page.

Full description of the idea
On the Viewing Options page, users can set which of the site schemes (with the exception of Lanzelot for those of us over this side of the world) they want to see around the site.

On the Viewing Options page, directly below the scheme selector, there should be a ticky box saying something along the lines of "enable my site scheme preference on my user info./profile page".
An ordered list of benefits
  • People can get the look they want on their profiles.
  • We - the users - get to see who likes which site scheme.
  • Profiles created taking into account the width of a page in one scheme will now no longer have to be ruined by being viewed in another scheme (example; I think my profile page looks naff in Horizon and XColibur, while some people like to use the width that those schemes provide).
  • It'll make profile pages more individual, and in keeping with creating our own journal style, without being overly imposing on others.
  • People will be happy. :)
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • People will complain/panic when finding a page that doesn't look like they think it should.
  • Someone's gotta do the coding, and I don't know how much back-end coding such a thing would take.
  • No doubt someone'll come up with other stuff I've missed. ;)

user interface, site schemes, profile/userinfo, § no status

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