Scrapbook link in layouts

Jul 08, 2008 22:06

Scrapbook link in layouts

Short, concise description of the idea
The Scrapbook gallery page could be linked in standard journal layouts, along with Recent Entries, Friends, Profile, and Archive.

Full description of the idea
The gallery is another part of the journal, but it is currently linked only from the profile, while other journal pages can be accessed through the journal itself. I think Scrapbook should get a promotion :)
An ordered list of benefits
  • Greater visibility for the Scrapbook feature in general
  • People who want to share their pictures can expect that their readers will be likely to find them, which is not currently the case.
  • People who are looking for the pictures can find them more easily.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Could take a lot of trouble to add an extra link to every system layout.

user interface, styles, scrapbook, journals: new sections, § no status

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