Available subscriptions for deleted journals

Jun 20, 2008 17:30

Available subscriptions for deleted journals

Short, concise description of the idea
It seems to me there are some events concerning deleted journals one shouldn't be able to subscribe to. Edit: a notification when a journal gets undeleted would be nice too.

Full description of the idea
When a journal's been deleted, you're still given the possibility to subscribe to the deleted account's new entries, new entries with tag XXX (and the tags are still listed!), new userpics, birthday, etc. I think we should only be notified if the journal's be purged or, on the contrary, undeleted.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Not let everybody see the public tags of a user who's deleted their journal.
  • Not let users subscribe to useless subscriptions?
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • People may want to still be able to subscribe to all events in the hope that the journal gets undeleted.

notifications, § no status, deleted accounts

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