Maintainers should be notified of community deletion

Mar 24, 2008 10:46

Maintainers should be notified of community deletion

Short, concise description of the idea
Maintainers should be notified of community deletion.

Full description of the idea
I was/am a maintainer of the community mucholdermoms. All of a sudden, the community was deleted - with no notification sent to me. Granted, the owner decided to up & leave, but why wasn't I automatically notified that the community was going to be deleted? In fact, why isn't there an option given to the owner/creator to automatically pass on the maintainership to the already-named maintainer?
An ordered list of benefits
  • It would save a lot of confusion as to what happened to the community.
  • It would save a lot of stress for those maintainers who had dedicated lots of time to the community.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • I can't think of any problems!

account deletion, notifications, community maintenance, § no status, deleted accounts

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