Community posts

Mar 02, 2008 16:45

Community posts

Short, concise description of the idea
Editing own posts in communities?

Full description of the idea
It would be extremely nice to have a feature that'd allow you to see your own posts in certain communities, kind of like you can see your own bulletins on MySpace's bulletin board, just from clicking "Show all bulletins I've posted".

When you try to look at, say, 20 last posts in a community, it shows everyone else's posts too, and finding a post you've made a while ago is sometimes a pain in the bottom :)
An ordered list of benefits
  • This would make it easier to find and edit your posts from communities, especially ones with plenty of other members.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • There aren't any!

entry viewing, community search: 1 member entries, entry editing, community membership, § implemented, entry management

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