Friends page sorting by most recent comment

Dec 28, 2007 23:04

Friends page sorting by most recent comment

Short, concise description of the idea
There should be an option to sort your friends page by when items have been commented on, rather than simply when they were originally posted.

Full description of the idea
At the moment there's no easy way to find friends page entries that have sparked interesting comments in the replies. If you could sort by most recent reply you could see where the active conversations were happening.
An ordered list of benefits
  • You can locate the interesting discussions.
  • Conversations last longer, because participants can see that they're still alive.
  • You don't waste time paging through umpteen pages of old friends page looking for comment links that have changed since last time you looked.
  • It's only an option, so the current behaviour is still available: I'd expect to switch between them.
  • There's an obvious analogy for ordering comment threads by which has been most recently added to, rather than which was started first.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Posts from large communities would always come to the top.

entry viewing, friends page sorting, comment viewing, friends page, § no status, comments: recent comments, comment creation

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