Identify my comments in other users' journals that have been replied to.

Nov 13, 2007 11:57

Identify my comments in other users' journals that have been replied to.

Short, concise description of the idea
In the 'Latest Posted' section at the bottom of the the 'Manage Comments' page (, I'd like to see an asterisk or similar marking next to each link if and only if someone replied directly to that comment.

Full description of the idea
In the 'Latest Posted' section at the bottom of the the 'Manage Comments' page (, it lists recent comments that I've made in other journals and provides a link to the journal entry marked "(link)". I suggest placing an asterisk or similar marking next to that link if and only if any replies have been made to that comment. Thus, if I have commented on someone's journal entry, and then they responded to my comment, an asterisk or similar marking would appear like this: "(link)*".

Alternately, you could mark it with an asterisk or similar marking if any comments on the entry or any of its comments have been posted after mine.

Alternately, you could mark the first case with a double dagger (‡) and the second case with a single dagger (†).

Of course, there might be better and more meaningful ways of marking comments that have been commented on. You could, in fact, give users the option to treat their comments the same way they treat their own journal entries so that replies would appear on the Home page ( along with replies to their journal entries. If so, you might want to give users the options to see comments from friends' journals, unfriended journals, community journals, and feeds seperately.
An ordered list of benefits
  • I as a user would be able to tell if anyone has started a conversation based on my comments in another journal without having to investigate each entry.
  • Comment-conversations would be easier to find, so LiveJournal would become better at cultivating the interaction that fuels its ongoing use.
  • As users wouldn't have to investigate entries that they'd already read searching for dangling conversations, there would be a reduced load on the LiveJournal servers.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Implementation cost.
  • More complex queries to retrieve entries from other journals and whether they've been commented on.
  • Depending on the implementation, could clutter the Manage Comments page or the Home page, especially if conversations got popular.

comments, § patch available, § no status, comments: recent comments, comment threading

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