include schools in directory search

May 13, 2007 17:31

include schools in directory search

Short, concise description of the idea
Allow people to include schools (from the schools directory) in a directory search.

Full description of the idea
We have a Directory, that lets you search by interest, location, friend and friend-of, etc. You can, for example, find everyone who is in California, is interested in avocados, and lists theferrett as a friend.

We have a separate Schools Directory, that lets you find people who list a certain school, or a particular range of years at a school.

It should logically follow that you could do a directory search including school information - for example, find everyone who went to MIT and is interested in sailing - but you can't.

So, add the appropriate fields to the directory to search on schools information, and make searches able to pull that information together.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Removes an artificial barrier from directory searches

An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Other than coding time & testing time to implement it, I can't think of any disadvantages.

An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
  • Add these schools directory URL parameters to the set used by directory.bml:

    year=[year filter] (perhaps rename this to syear or cyear)

    ctc=[school's country]

    cc=[school's city]

    sid=[school id]

    sc=[school's state]
  • Allow these parameters to be combined with other directory search parameters, so for example:

    ... would list people who are between 30-34, have friended cos, and went to a school in Massachusetts in 1992.
  • Add school-selection fields to directorysearch.bml
  • Add a shortcut link from each schools directory page (where a particular school is already selected) to a directory search form that already has that school selected, to make it easier to filter schools directory results using other directory information. For example, I could click on "Brandeis" on my profile to get a schools directory page with everyone that listed Brandeis, and then easily filter that to only those who have a certain interest (and who went to Brandeis).

schools directory, directory, social networking, searches, § no status

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