Page Feature for Plus/Permanent Accounts

May 04, 2007 07:20

Page Feature for Plus/Permanent Accounts

Short, concise description of the idea
Many other blogging platforms (such as wordpress) allow users to create a blog page which becomes a static page that the user can name (e.g. as well as edit so that they can keep their readers updated on something that is of regular interest or importance to them (e.g. 'books I've read', 'my travel hints', 'lists of beaches I've surfed at'). I believe that LJ should allow users to do the same.

Full description of the idea
Many other blogging platforms (such as wordpress) allow users to create a blog page which becomes a static page that the user can name (e.g. as well as edit so that they can keep their readers updated on something that is of regular interest or importance to them (e.g. 'books I've read', 'my travel hints', 'lists of beaches I've surfed at'). I believe that LJ should allow users to do the same. This also allows them to more easily direct their friends to something that they work on, instead of having to reference a post ( they can direct them to a page ( instead.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Users will no longer have to remember a string of numbers as they do now to update a post that they're using to hold information that changes on a regular basis or to direct readers to a post that they have made that is of constant interest.

  • Users will be able to create pages of interest to them that will not have to be searched for in the calendar section of the website to be updated.

  • Having a link automatically generated under a section entitled "Pages" will direct regular readers of the blog (especially for those who have domains) to information that is of interest to the reader.

  • Allowing pages will deter people from reposting information (which, while is their right to do, certainly annoys some of their friends).

An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • I'm not a computer programmer so I have no idea if the LJs software is able to have this added to it...I know that you can do it on wordpress and personally, I think LJs better than wordpress so if they can figure out how to make it work, I have more than enough faith in the LJ team.

  • Some people may prefer the ability to 'slug' an entry instead; though it doesn't serve the same purpose and isn't really as useful

  • Some people may not see the point

  • Would probably be of most use to those of us with domains so may not benefit the entire community

An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
  • Ideally, there would be an interface that would allow users to either create a post like they normally do, or in circumstances where they want to create a blog page, they can select that option. In a form field they would first enter in the name that the page would be referenced by (e.g.; then much like an entry, they would have the ability to select a title and then create the body of the entry. When the user presses the 'publish' button a link should automatically be generated on the sidebar of the users blog. If a link is automatically generated there probably would be no reason or way to allow for privacy settings, so these would only be used for things of a public nature.

  • This may be cheating but if I haven't been clear, create a wordpress blog, use the page feature...and then make it better on LJ.

entry viewing, paid features, entries, journals: new sections, § no status, entry management

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