Ninja Representation

Sep 19, 2006 13:19

Ninja Representation

Short, concise description of the idea
LiveJournal should give equal representation to the Ninjas.

Full description of the idea
It's well known that "Ninjas vs. Pirates" is a significant Internet phenomenon these days, and speaking as one who identifies with the ninja camp, can you imagine my shock and disappointment at LiveJournal's implementation of "Talk Like A Pirate Day?!" Just because there's no such thing as "Talk Like A Ninja Day" -- because ninjas don't talk, because they are stealthy like ninjas -- is this any reason not to give the ninjas their fair shake?

I want a day of ninja graphics, and ninja user icons, and ninja update buttons!
An ordered list of benefits
  • Ninjas will be less shocked and disappointed
  • Ninjas won't flip out and kill people
  • It would be cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet

An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Pirate community may be shocked and disappointed
  • Ninjas may flip out and kill people anyway

An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
  • Just work some more artistic magic along the lines of what was required for the "Talk Like A Pirate Day."

§ historical, site schemes, holidays

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