group friends by advanced search results

Sep 02, 2006 16:07

group friends by advanced search results

Short, concise description of the idea
Create new friends groups based on search results

Full description of the idea
After conducting an advanced search, a link at the bottom of the page would allow the user to create a new friends group that includes (or excludes) members fitting the search criteria. If anyone in the search criteria was not already a friend, they would be excluded from the group.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Quick way to create a friends group without looking up every person's user information
  • Easy way to make an "over 18" friends group, "local friends only", or "people who haven't updated in a while"

An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • The friends group edit page is really slow and difficult to use if you have a large friends list

An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
  • Add a form at the bottom of the search page with fields: name of friends group, group includes/excludes search results

§ historical, user interface, directory, custom friends groups, searches

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