Add Individual Friends to the Friends Filter Pulldown Menu on the Navigation Bar

Apr 15, 2006 01:37

Add Individual Friends to the Friends Filter Pulldown Menu on the Navigation Bar

Short, concise description of the idea
Add Individual Friends to the bottom of the Friends Filter Pulldown Menu on the Navigation Bar

Full description of the idea
The Navigation Bar is helpful, but could be even moreso. It would be very useful if the individual names of one's Journals/Comms/Feeds could be optionally added to the Friends Filter Pulldown Menu on the Navigation Bar -- preferably in alphabetical order below the already existing "Journals only", "Comms only", "Feeds only" options.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Would enable user to access any of their Friended Journals, Comms, or Feeds quickly and easily.

An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Main drawback is that some people's lists could be quite long.

An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
  • This could be implemented in three ways: 1) having all Journals/Comms/Feeds automatically on the pull-down menu, but this could be quite long 2) having all of them on the menu, but giving the user the option of having them all there or not 3) The best option would be to allow the user to select which members of their Friends list would appear on the pull-down menu, perhaps by having an "include this Journal/Comm/Feed on the Nav Bar pull-down menu" check-box/option on the Edit Friends page.

friends, § rejected, § duplicate, navigation strip

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