Non-Chronological Journal Content Pages Outside Standard Chronological Entry Framework
Short, concise description of the idea
Design and implement the capability to create a new view-format for non-chronological journal content that operates in addition to the standard framework currently in place that requires date/time information for journal entries, but outside the Recent Posts-view. This view would not serve the same function as posts. For the purposes of this suggestion I will use the term "NCV" until someone comes up with a more creative, original, or catchy term.
Full description of the idea
Currently LiveJournal does not have genuine ability to post content outside the standard dated post framework. I propose that this capability be added; many blogging services have this feature (think WordPress Pages). NCV will not be like posts. They will be non-dated entries that work outside of the dated-entry framework. They will allow you to manage journal content that is not date-specific more easily.
Allow me to provide an example of their usefulness. Every journal user has a userinfo page. These pages are limited, both in space and ability (I know they are designing a new userinfo page, but this suggestion and example will still be relevant after the change). If you view my userinfo page {{
http://phadguy.livejournal.com/profile }} you will see that I have chosen to address space/design limitations by keeping my userinfo page simple, and linking to backdated journal entries for more detailed information. This is a simple workaround.
However, the information I link to is not date-specific, whereas my journal essentially is (as the vast majority of journals are). I can use the backdate feature {{
http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=91&view=full }} to create entries prior to the "real" start of my journal, but I dislike having to do this, as the content does not fit-in with the chronological nature of a journal. It is related, but distinctly separate and should be better organized. I suspect many would welcome and utilize this feature if created and implemented.
LiveJournalers would be able to use NCV to create pages for more detailed "about me" information, contact information, community rules, events, schedules, and other non-post pages that provide static and pseudo-static information that does not "age" in the way entries in Recent Entries-view does. NCV entries/pages would not display in a user's Recent Entries or Friends views, ideally being accessed in the same way as other views such as Tags, Friends, Calendar, and Archive views...at a URL such as {{
http://exampleusername.livejournal.com/page/ }} for view and {{
http://exampleusername.livejournal.com/nonchrono/entry-title.html}} for specific pages of content.
NVC will initially function similarly as dated-entries in view, capabilities and limitations, restrictions, and updatability, except for chronological items such as Mood, Currents, etcetra (which will also have the benefit of easing implementation); after being implemented and functional, LiveJournal Staff could consider adding more features to further distinguish and maintain the viability of this feature.
The ability to create NCV-entries would be limited to a user's personal journal(s) and communities they (co-)maintain, so users could not add NCVs to communities they're members, but not maintainers, of. Of course this has the potential of being used to create simple websites that LiveJournal hosts -- though just barely more so than currently -- so limitations could be imposed by account type...for the sake of argument, 8 for free/early-adopter accounts, 32 for paid users, 64 for permanent accounts or 15,50,unlimited, as appropriate (based on resources and architecture).
An ordered list of benefits
- Allow for better organization of static content related to a journal.
- Allow for further development of an individual's journaling capabilities.
- Allow for easier information distribution in communities (specifically for new members, say in official or pseudo-official LJ communities).
- Provides more opportunity for developing social networks.
- Maintain competitive edge over other journal/blog sites' feature-sets.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
- Users may be confused about the purpose or workability, as compared to dated-entries (on the flip-side, users may also feel free to explore and push this feature, and creativity is typically a good thing).
- If the number of NCV entries are unrestricted, the possibility of journals being used to create and host, at no cost, simple free websites exists. This is probably not deireable.
- Relatively minimal, but manageable, increase in resource usages throughout the site.
An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
- You guys, and the appropriate developers, see the potential uses of this concept and decide it's a good idea, further fleshing-out the details and capabilities, and someone decides it should be implemented. Or tell me it's stupid, nix the idea, and make me cry.
- Developers would need to code and create a new View that does not rely on chronological organization (for backend purposes, a server post-time would still be used). Existing code can be used and changed as appropriate by code-monkeys, to make things initially easier.
- Integrate this feature into the rest of the site, including creating the new View into existing layouts.