FotoBilder (pics.livejournal.com) integration w/ Directory Search
Short, concise description of the idea
Bring up Gallery for individual users via Directory (using searchbar on any .bml page)
Full description of the idea
Suggestion: FotoBilder - the LiveJournal installation - integrate with the directory Search function like the userpics (user picture icons) 'trick'.
(From lj_nifty: 'On any BML page (e.g. talkread.bml), use these in the search bar, when "username" is selected':
Suggest: theusername/gallery to work in similar manner.
An ordered list of benefits
- It'd be more convenient for users.
- Could be an additional paid account benefit.
- Allows quick (thumbnail?) viewing
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
- Requires extra coding.
- Security for galleries already implemented in the beta, so would need to ensure Directory didn't override security to show protected pics.
An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
- Implementation in later part of beta cycle to allow teething problems with beta to be ironed out before introducing 'nifty' features.
- Could stagger in feature by restricting access by account type e.g. only paid early adopters at first.
- May not appeal to those using non-standard browsers/handhelds.