Dec 06, 2003 18:29
Allow Changing of Comment Links in S2 for Free Users
Short, concise description of the idea
Currently the S2 system allows free users to change many features, but not the comment links.
Full description of the idea
There isn't a lot to add. Free users are allowed to change font, override userpics, use an external stylesheet, change colours, etc, but they cannot change what the comment links say.
For my personal journal, it's not an issue, I'm paid but many of my comms are free. And not allowing comment links to be changed seems rather arbitrary given what is allowed.
Would someone really pay for this feature if the other features of a paid account hadn't already made them want to pay?
An ordered list of benefits
more personalisation of your journal
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
change the setting so free users are allowed to do this
An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
see above (yet another vote for this being an optional section)
~ historical,