HTML validations - specific improvements

Dec 07, 2002 20:49

HTML validations - specific improvements
Short, concise description of the idea
I am suggesting this for a user who does not have an account here. The original can be found here. This is a suggestion for specific improvements to create more valid HTML.
Full description of the idea
Issue 1 - head links

Code automatically inserted by the system into the of the pages breaks both HTML and XHTML. The code inserted into my journal is:

HTML is broken by the third line ending in /> - error message "text is not allowed here; try wrapping the text in a more descriptive container" (with the error marker pointing at the >).

XHTML is broken by the first two lines, which are opening tags without either a closing tag or ending in />. I have not tested this.

As the vast majority of users use HTML rather than XHTML I suggest removing the / from the RSS link.

Issue 2 - lj user tag

Code generated by the system to implement the ... tag is not valid HTML, using non-standard Netscape additions to HTML. The code inserted into my journal (for rubber_soul) is:


HTML is broken by this, with these error messages: "element "NOBR" undefined"", "value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "ABSMIDDLE"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT" ", "required attribute "ALT" not specified". Bearing in mind that users might also want to format the text of usernames to suit their journals, I suggest the following code as replacement:


With a default addition to the in the of the styles of:

.ljuser { font-weight: bold; }

Again, this is not my,
asciident's, suggestion. I am posting this here for a user who does not have an LJ account.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Valid HTML

  • An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Time involved in changing the code
  • Styles can't be gauranteed to handle the .ljuser class

  • An organized list, or a few short paragraphs detailing suggestions for implementation
  • Determine if it's worth it ;)
  • Determine the best (technical) solution
  • Someone writes the patch, puts it in Zilla
  • Review, apply
  • ~ historical

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