Page Summary Should Reflect Where I've posted

Mar 07, 2012 02:13

Page Summary Should Reflect Where I've posted

Short, concise description of the idea
If a community or journal has a 'page summary' side bar (example in ask_me_anything), it should indicate which posts I have commented on.

Full description of the idea
If a community or journal has a 'page summary' side bar (example in ask_me_anything), it should indicate which posts I have commented on.

Right now, if I want to review a post I commented on, to see if anyone has commented back or if there is new comments, I have to hunt through all of the posts that exist. I have poor memory for these things and ask_me_anything in particular sometimes gets enough posts to push yesterday's posts to the next page. It would be especially useful for commenters in busy communities to be able to see, at a glance, what activity there is on the whole community.

This is inspired by giving up on scrounging through posts that are more than a day or two old because I simply don't have enough time to click through all the old posts.
An ordered list of benefits
  • This will help make super busy communities more user friendly for new lj users.
  • It will help frequent commenters keep track of their posts.
  • It will help people who don't have the best memory remember which posts they thought were cool, particularly if they are going through the archives.
  • It will help leverage the usefulness of archived community posts, helping to justify whatever archival storage LJ does. "Oh, I commented on this a year ago? Lets see what it says!"
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • It would take time to implement, which is inherently a downside.
  • Some users might not want the option, so a way to disable the feature would probably have to be implemented.
  • Users might not like whatever the default style or icon might be for the indicator, so there would probably have to be a way to style the indicator, which just adds another thing to implemented in the styling options.
  • There's a chance whatever indicator is entered could break the format of the page summary box, causing all hell to break loose (or, at minimum, an eyesore on the page). That is, it could be buggy.

comments, communities, § no status

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