Send Support answers to Inbox as well as via e-mail

Feb 19, 2012 12:43

Send Support answers to Inbox as well as via e-mail

Short, concise description of the idea
In addition to e-mailing the user when their Support request has been answered, send a copy of that answer to their inbox as well.

Full description of the idea
On occasion, for several possible reasons, mail from LiveJournal fails to arrive to a user's e-mail address. When that user has opened a Support request and is awaiting a response this can cause a lot of frustration because they feel they're being ignored. And Support volunteers feel frustration as they end up digging through multiple requests from the same user, each asking mostly the same question.

I suggest that in addition to the e-mail that an answer on the Support board sends, the same answer should be sent as a message to the user's LiveJournal inbox. This would ensure that the user was receiving at least one copy of their answer.

I imagine it'd be best to handle these as private messages, so that the user has to receive a copy. If Support notifications were a new kind of notification that could be toggled separately for inbox, e-mail, IM, & alerts, then some people would turn off the inbox notification and all benefit would be lost.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Less frustration for users as they'd be receiving assurance that their Support request had been heard and dealt with.
  • Less frustration for Support volunteers as un-ignored users are less likely to open multiple Support requests.

An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Engineering time.
  • Some folks will be annoyed at getting double notifications.

message center inbox, support, notifications, § no status

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