The new 'Mark as spam' button in inbox taking the 'Delete' button's place.

Aug 26, 2011 10:29

The new 'Mark as spam' button in inbox taking the 'Delete' button's place.

Short, concise description of the idea
Moving the new 'Mark as spam' button between the 'Unread' and 'Delete' buttons.

Full description of the idea
Dear LiveJournal,

I do not appreciate the new 'Mark as spam' button in my inbox taking the 'Delete' button's place as the last button in the row. Couldn't you put it between the 'Unread' and 'Delete' buttons instead?
An ordered list of benefits
  • Minimizes a confusion while working with internal emails.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • I've already pressed it accidentally once, and I'm most likely going to do so many more times.

message center inbox, § no status

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