LJ mirror of Twitter posts displays shortened links, not full links

Aug 11, 2011 17:41

LJ mirror of Twitter posts displays shortened links, not full links

Short, concise description of the idea
Livejournal's mirror of Twitter posts should display the full links a user posts, not shortened ones.

Full description of the idea
Twitter recently made a change that shortens every link posted in a tweet, using the "t.co" domain. When LJ mirrors these links, it picks up the t.co version instead of the actual link.

I did some research ( http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=674 ), and the Twitter API still makes the full URL available with the "display_url" entity. LJ's code should be changed to display the actual link posted instead of the shortened t.co one.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Links are not hidden behind an anonymous shortener.
  • The user will see their tweets as they posted them, not altered by an un-disableable option.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • It could be an easy change to code, or could be difficult depending on how LJ has implemented Twitter scraping.

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