Posts in "News" should not override the journal style

Jul 01, 2011 21:35

Posts in "News" should not override the journal style

Short, concise description of the idea
Posts in "News" should not override the journal style -- they should adopt whatever formatting and layout conventions the post inherits from the friends-page style in which in which it is displayed.

Full description of the idea
There are really good reasons why some users define their journal and friendspage styles the way they do -- when theljstaff override those styles in an individual post, it breaks accessibility for users who have, for very good reasons, adopted those styles.

theljstaff shouldn't change the default colours and layout in posts to news, it's a really bad idea.

This was discussed here in July 2011, and here in March 2010. Clearly the discussion in March 2010 didn't stick -- perhaps a formal suggestion will help.
An ordered list of benefits
  • People who have chosen a specific style for their friends page will still be able to read posts in news.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • theljstaff won't be able to force their colour and layout choices on the user.

news, friends page, § no status

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