Expand getfriendspage API parameters range to more than 100

Sep 03, 2010 11:04

Expand getfriendspage API parameters range to more than 100

Short, concise description of the idea
I suggest to expand getfriendspage parameters range to the same value as for web interface.

Full description of the idea
LJ.XMLRPC.getfriendspage API parameters currently are limited to show 100 entries and skip another 100. I suggest to make maximum skip value equal to 1000 and to limit maximum age to 2 weeks as in web interface.
An ordered list of benefits
  • Downloadable clients will have access to more entries than now. Now it is 100+100=200, for web interface it is 1000 or 2 weeks.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • Friends pages produce most load on LJ servers but I don't see any problems since it is already exists in web interface.

syndication, friends page, § no status, apis

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