Bring back the old site schemes!

Aug 20, 2010 17:16

Bring back the old site schemes!

Short, concise description of the idea
Please start supporting XColibur and the other old site schemes again.

Full description of the ideaThe old site schemes are very much liked by a lot of people for various reasons. Even though we can still choose them (if only with a trick) they aren't updated anymore, or ( Read more... )

site schemes, § no status

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andy September 17 2010, 05:22:44 UTC
How much money would the company receive if it were to do that? The clientside development department doesn't work for free; and from what I've heard from them, even having four site schemes requires a lot of work to support and maintain.


fiddlingfrog September 17 2010, 05:42:33 UTC
I think this falls under the "Happier users are more likely to become/stay paying users" category of revenue enhancement. Heck, I'd be happy if XColibur and Dystopia were just given an quick update today and forgotten about for another five years.


scolaro September 17 2010, 08:09:00 UTC
Yeah, that would be an alternative I could live with as well.


nakeisha September 17 2010, 09:26:27 UTC
This would be a great compromise. I love XColibur and use it, but it would be nice to have an pdate.


scolaro September 17 2010, 07:34:10 UTC
Well, how much money is being made by putting work into the vgifts and header styles and this sort of stuff?
Plus, the new features that were added lately seemed to drive more people away than recruit them to the site, despite all development efforts.

As fiddlingfrog already said, happy users usually stay longer.

In the case of XColibur (I've only ever used that site scheme, so I don't know about the other old ones) I've experienced that a lot of people I've urged to join LJ didn't like the site (too overwhelming, too complicated) until I've showed them how to use XColibur. They told me they still think LJ is too complicated, but at least the menu wasn't constantly in their face anymore, but just a small strip, not jumping all over their page when searching for something.

And judging from what I've heard over and over again in news posts for many years the old site schemes are still very popular and used by many people, DESPITE the annoying hide-and-seek game LJ is playing with those users who'd like to have them.


mlady_rebecca September 18 2010, 04:36:00 UTC
Plus, the new features that were added lately seemed to drive more people away than recruit them to the site, despite all development efforts.

Very true. I think the ability to see your existing tags as you type is the only real improvement we've seen in ages.


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