(repost on account of original poster's deletion, cleaned up some and with points from comments added in)
A LiveJournal-based tool for tracking anonymous guests by IP address
Short, concise description of the idea
A LiveJournal-based way to track otherwise-anonymous visitors by IP address.
Full description of the ideaSome LiveJournal
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And if I don't use My Guests because I'm not that interested in obsessing about who looks at my journal and because I don't want other people to obsess about the fact that I looked at their profile page because I found an icon of theirs in a comment interesting and wanted to see what it was from, I certainly don't want another LJ feature to reveal what I looked at ( ... )
Otherwise, this is definitely very well stated.
And besides, there are instances when misclicks or other such errors might bring someone to a particular profile page without meaning to. It doesn't mean that the visitor has any malicious intent, no more than someone calling the wrong phone number. =P Yet some people get really paranoid over this sort of phenomenon for some reason.
Frankly, I don't give a fig for who views my profile or tries to view any of my journals (my personal journal is mostly Friends-only, and the other journals don't have any content in them that I don't want anyone to see). I've never enabled MyGuests and am really not interested in knowing who views any of my journals. I just don't understand what this big deal is that some people make it out to be. O__o
Anything I don't want publicly visible - isn't. Either by lock+trust, or by never being posted in the first place.
And if this suggestion were implemented, imagine how much more similar types of innocent errors could cause unease among users who are leery of anyone viewing their profiles and/or journals. ^^;;;
Excellent policy, that. The best way to ensure no one will ever see it is to never post it, period.
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