Guest Stats

Jun 26, 2010 16:04

Guest Stats

Short, concise description of the idea
Allow us to see who has viewed our profile or blog

Full description of the idea
I don't like the idea of people "opting out" and then viewing my blog being invisible. I want to know who is reading my blog and my profile. I make myself known when I post, they should make themselves known when they read.
If they try to read my posts while invisible a flag should come up saying "This user does not allow invisible viewing of their blog"
An ordered list of benefits
  • Obviously being aware of who is reading your blog and when has certian safety elements to it.
An ordered list of problems/issues involved
  • No drawbacks. Someone does not want to become visible, they simply cannot read your blogs or profile.

statistics, privacy, visitor counter and my guests, § no status

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