Apr 09, 2005 12:54
wow... its amazing how you can think -so much- of someone and then all of a sudden you dont even care if you ever see them again..
--all i gotta say about you, is that i really cant believe you'd ever do this... your a liar and cheater... and even when i find out everything, you still wont tell me the truth.. but yeh, thanks alot.. im sorry i wasnt good enough
you know you got me to a point where i would do absolutley fucking anything to be with you... and now that i hear this.. i dont even know why.. -but whatever- i guess were done.
anwaYs-- on a diffrent matter-- cuz i really dont wanna talk about that anymore, i really hate all this drama.. thanks-- i was supposed to go to community service this morning at like... 7 at school, but uhhh i thought this one specific person and this other bitch person was gonna be there, so i def. didnt wanna witness that one :) plus.. i stayed up till freakin 4 in the morning crying and shit like that.. so maybe i couldnt go anywayyyy
i saw sarah at the mallll! shes so cute~ *im sorry for not bein all happy happy- but you did make it kinnnnnnnnna bettter and thanks for everythinng... * oH aLso!! i would have called you back lasT night!!! but erin called like right after you did.. and we didnt get off till .. like.. 3? lol im sorry i<3U!
saw kristen and kayla~!~! kaylas hair looks grrrreat! :) shes pretty<3
and kristen lookeD so pretty! pretty-eR thaN me most def.!!! <3
jeremy is really nice.. he helps me with alotta stuff... thankyou jeremy for everything- your really sweet big brother<3 thanks for haulin me n manda around tha town too y0 (:
ohhmannn LaureN o'keLLeY is gotta be the cooooolest girl i know<3 man shes so sexy with her hair it just drives me crazyyYyyY! : )
seeee laurennn!! i do talk about you in here---! <333 uh huhhh thats rightt girrlll now i guess its your turn... : )
erin i love you i love you!!!! <3 fankyou.my.juciest.pickle.in.the.pickle.jar<3
kristen stuart... i dunno if i spelled yer last name right?? lol anyway-- i<3u~ thankyou toooooo for everything..<3 im sorry i didnt get to see you last night.... bbut maybe ill get to see you s0oN! : )
"Well, if she didnt already have an STD, then she sure as hell has one now"
hahahahahahaha i love you mandap0o<3 your great--
oH yeS-- and fones working again!!!!!!! : )