Mar 28, 2005 21:35
Twist, twist.... splash. Such a refreshing drink, made from Sapporo. A company well known for imported beer and distilled spirits in Japan with new lines for fruit juices and other non-alcoholic beverages. I'm drinking this orange flavored soft drink, although it isn't so carbonated than I would have imagined. I sit here aimlessly... typing away my bored and confused mind to this non-exsistent journal. How many spaces ARE in the internet?
How I feel discontent when there's nothing for me to look forward to. How discouraging when my negative thoughts crowd around my demented mind. How happy I am when a slight encouragement or a guilty pleasure is given, but easily lost or stolen when I practically do nothing, but sit around this computer and mope my idiot ramblings. This orange juice taste awesome when it's chilled. I can feel the cold liquid filling down my esophagus and expand into the stomach. I should buy more whenever I get the chance to go back to Japantown.
Come to think about it, I do have an essay to work on about music censorship. Like I care about the subject... anything political can't be solved... anything philosophical can't be persuaded... stubborn bastards. Thump. I just threw the empty 1.5L bottle to the recycling bin.