Title: Bittersweet Revenge
Pairing: Tegoshi/Masuda
Word count: ~977
Rating: NC-17 (ish)
Disclaimer: I do not own these people. If I did, I would not be pairing them up; I would keep them to myself. If I did this, I would be attacked by fangirls. Death by fangirl is not the way I want to leave this world, so I am not claiming to own them. :D
Summary: Massu wants to prove that he can be in control too, but Tegoshi knows better.
AN: Written for
aby_rose22 who requested it. I don't think it's quite what you wanted, (or that it even came out how I intended to write it) but... I'm sorry it took so long o(_ _)o
“Not tonight, Yuya,” Massu yawned, gently pushing his boyfriend away.
“But it’s your first night back…”
“I know, but I’m just too tired right now,” he replied.
Well, technically this was a lie. His sister had been going on at him, insisting that he allowed Tegoshi to manipulate him too much. In fact, she had said it so often that he had almost begun to wonder if maybe she was right. Maybe he didn’t have quite enough control in their relationship
I mean, sure, he knew Tegoshi could make him do practically anything, but he still had some control didn’t he? He could choose whether or not he wanted to do something.
Now he was set on proving it.
“I missed you,” the younger boy said softly, with his head tilted cutely as he nestled into him.
Massu tried not to laugh. The boy was already using what his sister called ‘The Face’; the one where he looked up through his lashes and gazed into your eyes with a look that made you want to do anything for him.
But this time, it wasn’t going to work.
Massu smiled, running his fingers gently through Tegoshi’s hair, "
Tomorrow we can do whatever you want. I promise,”
“Why tomorrow when I want you now?” was the whiny, stubborn response Massu heard as hands began to play with his belt buckle.
He chuckled slightly, brushing Tegoshi away again and lacing their fingers together.
“You can’t always have what you want, you know,”
“Tomorrow, okay?” he insisted gently, stealing a kiss from Tegoshi’s lips.
Tegoshi sulked. He needed a plan. He wasn’t going to let Massu resist him. Not now, and not ever. He was going to have him begging for more before the night was up.
Massu twitched as he watched Tegoshi re-enact a familiar scene on his hotdog. Tegoshi had been unable to go with him to meet his sister and newborn niece due to a tight working schedule, and so had purposely given him a night that would not be forgotten.
He almost groaned as Tegoshi’s delicate, pink tongue circled the end of the sausage. Massu could remember exactly how that had felt on him in the dark of the bedroom.
“Something wrong?” Tegoshi smirked, seeing the expression on his partner's face and noticing he was very quiet.
“Uh…no, not at all…” he mumbled.
“If it’s anything I can help with-“
“I’m fine,”
Massu’s eyes were fixed on that tongue, wishing so hard for it to be elsewhere, but not allowing himself to say so. Tegoshi was just starting to become more desperate. He couldn’t give in. At least not yet. He wanted to see how far the younger one would take it.
He sighed as the warm water covered his body. Staying with his sister had been stressful, especially seeing as her husband was away on a business trip, leaving her alone to look after little Kirin. Massu didn’t really know the first thing about looking after a baby but had done his best to help out. This was the first chance in ages that he’d had to have a bath without the small thing screaming at the top of her lungs.
There was a brief knock at the door before Tegoshi barged straight in, not actually waiting for a response.
“Would you mind if I joined you?” he asked sweetly, stripping off the silk robe that he was wearing to reveal his naked body.
Massu blushed slightly.
“Could…could I just have five minutes please?”
Tegoshi sat on the edge of the bath in frustration.
“Do you not want me?” Tegoshi asked, sulking.
Yes. Yes I want you right now, you brat. But I won't give in.
“It’s not that,” replied Massu, determined he could stick by his plan, “I just …not yet.”
He watched as a frustrated, sulky expression of desperation crossed over Tegoshi’s face.
“Fine then,”
Tegoshi picked up the robe from the floor and walked out in a huff.
Massu did feel bad for making his boyfriend feel like this, but he had to prove this to himself, if nobody else. If he didn’t have control then he may as well have been one of Tegoshi’s earliest conquests; the sweet and quite pretty fangirls who used to wait by his dressing room door, willing to do everything and anything for him.
Massu was certainly not a fangirl. Obviously. He wasn’t even a girl.
One minute ago, Massu had been one step out of the bathroom wearing at least a towel around his waist, but for some reason he now found himself tied to a chair, naked and with a lap full of Tegoshi.
“You didn’t find somebody else you like more whilst you were away did you?” Tegoshi asked, grinding his hips against Massu and showering him in quick, feather-light kisses.
“Uh…of course I didn’t,” Massu replied, slightly dazed but very turned on. He moaned as he felt the flick of Tegoshi’s tongue against his neck.
Tegoshi kissed Massu deeply before shifting back slightly, taking the already erect cock into his hands and starting to tease it perfectly, just how Massu liked it.
That boy knew exactly what he was doing.
“Good,” Tegoshi said, moving one hand away and tracing a finger over his partner’s torso, stopping every now and then to tease the nipple. Massu’s body jerked every time.
Massu's voice was full of pure lust.
He pulled away slightly, retaining his innocent expression.
“You win,” he breathed heavily, “Untie me and you can have me however you want,”
Tegoshi smirked. He brought both his hands up to cup his partner’s face.
“But this is more fun,” he said, “I threw myself at you all evening but you ignored me. Now, it’s time for my revenge,”