Nov 17, 2005 09:44
Trying to get new pics up....BLAH!!!!! I love the internet, I love my boi, or should I say MAN... hehe My baby just had a birthday hes a quarter of a century old....awwwwwwwwwwwe 2nd time in my life I've been with someone older than mee CONGRATS MEEEE!!! Although I will be 24 in January (and I do accept cash money dolla dolla billz yall)......
I may have forgotton to mention that I had developed a little problem that likes to run in my family called alcohalism : ( but I havent drank in 5 days now, funny that what made mee decide to stop the madness is being at HT one day and looking in the mirror and saw what was the starting of a "beer belly", and not for my healths sake..... I did'nt work so hard to lose that weight to let a little habbit give me a pouch...thanks for playing.....
Anyways...I have some erronds to run and be to ht at 3 soooo I will be werking on some pics in we all know I was stricken with web tv... and now I have this fancy LCD screen in front of mee and I have no idea of the wonders it holds hahaha....-so confused-