Drabble requests and updates

May 17, 2013 18:40

Hey everybody! I promised myself I wouldn't use this journal to make any non-writing posts, but it's been ages so I figure it's acceptable! First thing is first; I've been rewatching/rereading Ouran recently, which is obviously bringing about all sorts of TamaHaru feelings. So I'm opening up TamaHaru drabble requests. Feel free to request a drabble in the comments on this entry. Just specify a prompt and I'll write it up. It'll usually be anywhere from 100 to 400 words depending on how it ends up! So if anyone has anything they've been wanting to read, feel free.

I'm also sorry for the long radio silence over here! I'll be doing my best to change that. I've also starting using Dreamwidth significantly more than LJ, and I've got an archive set up there for my writing right over here, so a lot of new stuff will end up there.

So, send in your drabble requests, and thanks for putting up with me all these years XD
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