Duet chapter 40

Jan 24, 2011 12:12

Title: Duet
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: spoilers for the end of the anime, sexual situations
Progress: 40/47
Summary: In need of a performing arts credit for her transcript, Haruhi seeks piano lessons from Tamaki. The result is a bit more bonding than either of them ever expected. How can you focus on school when you're falling in love... and what complications will arise when a member of the Suoh family is willing to give up everything for a commoner?

There are only 7 chapters to go after this one!

“Good morning, darling!” Tamaki said when Haruhi had barely opened her eyes. Almost immediately he was kissing her cheeks and forehead and she pulled the blanket over her head, still tired and disoriented. She wasn’t in the mood for his theatrics right now, and she figured that if she stayed under the blanket he would eventually lose his motivation.

“Good morning,” she muttered, listening to his disheartened squeak at her behavior. “What time is it?”

“Eight o’clock,” Tamaki replied. Slowly Haruhi pulled the blanket away from her face. Tamaki was lying beside her with his head propped up on his fist, and he was staring at her. His bare skin seemed to glow in the sunlight. Seeing his nudity reminded her of the previous night’s activities and she flushed, embarrassed. She had to stop and wonder if it had all really happened; there was a hazy glow over everything in her memory, something feverish but pleasant.

“Did we really… make love last night?” she asked just to be sure, and Tamaki reddened. He didn’t seem to want to look at her but finally he pulled his eyes away from the blankets and looked into hers.

“Y--yes…” he said, sounding almost shy, and smiled at her. “We did.”

“It was nice,” Haruhi said thoughtfully. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t all that good at it. I had no idea what I was doing.”

“I didn’t either,” Tamaki admitted. “But you were wonderful, really.”

“And we were safe?” it all felt like it had been a dream, and she wanted confirmation. Tamaki got even redder and looked away.

“Yes,” he assured her. She could tell her questions were embarrassing him. “I would never do anything like that to you without making sure we had everything covered.” Haruhi looked around to see the small foil wrapper lying on the floor beside the bed and squirmed a little. Somehow the concrete evidence of their lovemaking was embarrassing.

“Where did you get it, anyway?” she asked curiously, and Tamaki looked like he wanted to die.

“Kyouya,” he said softly. “A couple of weeks ago. He said he could tell something was going to happen soon and that I should probably be prepared.”

“He knew?” Haruhi found it rather humiliating. The thought of Kyouya having knowledge of their ‘encounter’ was almost more than she could take at this point.

“Apparently,” Tamaki blushed a little deeper and then relaxed, laughing. “Haruhi, I know you’re a very curious person but all these questions… are really embarrassing.”

“I’m sorry,” Haruhi said sincerely. “I’ll try to stop asking them.”

“You’re so cute,” Tamaki kissed her cheek. “With your relentless desire for knowledge.” he seemed more comfortable with her now than ever before and she let him pull her into his arms, despite the fact that they were both still naked. “Haruhi… I’ve never felt as close to you as I did last night. It was wonderful.”

“Yeah, it was,” she agreed.

“It was like we were sharing an existence for a few minutes, and I’ll never forget it,” he kissed her nose. “I was worried it might complicate things but I think it just made us even closer.”

“Do we really have to talk about it?” Haruhi asked. It was her turn to be embarrassed. Tamaki smiled fondly at her. The sunlight coming through the window fell on his hair and made it sparkle a million different shades of gold.

“I’m embarrassing you?” he asked.

“A little…” she admitted.

“You’re too cute, you know,” he purred, kissing both of her cheeks. “And you’re very sexy…” Haruhi blushed, actually affected by the last statement, and stared at him. It was actually surprising that someone like him could have that particular opinion about someone like her, and she told him so. “What do you mean?” Tamaki asked. He seemed a bit confused.

“Well you’re… you. Pretty much every girl at Ouran wants you. So I think it’s a little weird that I’m… the way I am… and you think I’m sexy.”

“Don’t think like that,” Tamaki scolded gently. “You’re beautiful and wonderful and very, very sexy. I don’t ever want you thinking otherwise. I had no idea you had such low self-esteem!”

“I don’t,” Haruhi sighed, watching as he flew into hysterics.

“My poor, sweet darling thinks she’s undesirable!” he wept, clinging to her. Haruhi held the blanket closer to her bare chest and did her best to wiggle away.

“No, I don’t. Look, senpai, if you’re going to cling to me like this, I at least want to put some clothes on first, okay?” Haruhi managed to keep her cool despite how irritated and faintly embarrassed she was, and she hoped it would somehow rub off on him. She should have known by now that it wouldn’t.

“But it’s okay if we’re naked together!” Tamaki wailed. “Don’t be so bashful, Haruhi!”

“I’m not being bashful!” she shoved him off and slid away across the small futon. It wasn’t a great distance but at least it was just a bit less embarrassing. “I just want to get dressed.”

“Alright,” Tamaki looked a bit impish and he fixed her with an almost sultry stare. “Go ahead and get dressed.”

It was then that Haruhi realized why he was smiling the way he was, and she sighed. If she got up to get dressed, he would see her naked again. If she got up and took the blanket with her, she would see him naked. Both sounded embarrassing at the moment despite their actions the previous night, and she sighed. Either way, she was going to be embarrassed, and she knew he could tell.

“Fine,” she said stubbornly, trying to pretend she wasn’t awkward and sliding out from under the covers, moving over to her dresser. She began to rummage for underwear, but she could feel Tamaki’s eyes burning into her and she turned around. “What?” she demanded.

“You’re beautiful,” he explained. “I can’t seem to help myself.”

“Well try,” Haruhi snapped, trying to cover herself up. Tamaki got out of bed and came to her, and she tried not to look at him. In such close proximity it was hard not to notice his nakedness.

“Haruhi…” he said softly, stepping close and kissing her forehead. “You don’t have to be so uncomfortable. I’m not going to judge you, so you don’t need to be so shy about your body. You didn’t seem very shy last night…”

“Shut up.” Tamaki looked wounded, and immediately she was sorry. “I’m sorry. I guess I just wasn’t thinking last night. I got carried away.”

“So think a little less,” Tamaki said gently, caressing her cheek. “I love you and I love your body, and I know it might take a while to get comfortable with me seeing it. I’m sorry that I like to look at you so much.”

Haruhi blushed and looked over his shoulder. “It’s not that I’m… uncomfortable. It’s just that… well… you’re my senpai and so having you see me naked is kind of embarrassing.”

Tamaki laughed and pulled her into his arms. His skin was very warm against hers, and it was somehow comforting. She relaxed against him despite everything, letting her head rest in the crook of his neck as he lifted her effortlessly. “Well how about when we’re alone like this, I’m not your senpai? How about that only applies when there are other people around? Because from where I’m standing, right now it seems like I’m more of your lover than your senpai.”

“That seems fair,” Haruhi agreed, letting him kiss her. “… Tamaki.”

Hearing her call him simply by name had a strange effect on Tamaki, and almost immediately he was squealing and twirling her around. She put up with it and kept quiet about her true reasoning about not wanting to be naked around him, which was rather embarrassing; she knew the fact that they were naked together would just make her want him again.

duet, multi-chapter, rating pg

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