Duet chapter 37

Jan 07, 2011 14:00

Title: Duet
Rating: G for now, may go up ^^;
Warnings: spoilers for the end of the anime
Progress: 37/47...48... I don't even known anymore XD
Summary: In need of a performing arts credit for her transcript, Haruhi seeks piano lessons from Tamaki. The result is a bit more bonding than either of them ever expected. How can you focus on school when you're falling in love... and what complications will arise when a member of the Suoh family is willing to give up everything for a commoner?

Things are getting intense...

For Tamaki, saying that his life now was a dream come true was an understatement. Every night he put out the futon (which Haruhi had taught him to do by himself) in the Fujiokas’ living room and when he woke up he always knew she was just in the next room. Together, they went shopping for groceries and slowly, she taught him to live as she did; simple and without a lot of luxury. It was fascinating in its own way, and Tamaki was enthralled by it in every possible way.

“Look at this!” he told her once, pointing out an item on their shopping list in a different brand for half price, and the warm and proud smile she gave him made him want to melt. He had never imagined for a moment that giving up his family for anything, even Haruhi, would have been such a wonderful decision. Though he missed Shima and his servants and Antoinette, life was bright and warm anyway. The warmth of his feelings for Haruhi was enough to melt the ice of his grandmother disowning him tenfold. It was as though he had exchanged his old, lonely life full of pressures for a new one. There was no pressure and no expectations of him to be something he did not want to be. There was only Haruhi, and she was perfectly happy with him being just who he was. He loved her all that much more for it.

Perhaps his favorite part was that every night, before he went to sleep on his futon, he would sneak into Haruhi’s room and they would kiss. Sometimes it would be for only a moment, sometimes it would be for half an hour or more. Sometimes the kisses would be quick, chaste pecks and sometimes they would be deep and passionate, laced with unspoken desires and sometimes even lust. Kissing Haruhi was always different. They were both such inconsistent people when they were together that each press of her lips brought a surprise and felt like the first time. It was their special time together, squeezed in between chores and school and shopping. He wouldn’t trade it for anything. For someone so serious and so practical, Haruhi was surprisingly receptive to his kisses, and it filled him with glee every time. Her reactions to them ranged from adorable to sometimes downright embarrassing, to the point where his mind went places it shouldn’t and he had to creep off to his own futon, his face red.

Other than those embarrassing moments, those instances where he couldn’t really deny how much he wanted her, life was absolutely perfect. He saw his father often, even more so than when he had lived in the second mansion. He came over for dinner regularly and when he did Haruhi would take Tamaki to the supermarket and let him choose something special to make for dinner, and they would cook it together. Slowly he was learning to cook as though he had not just started to learn at age seventeen.

In life there were colors of joy brighter than the ones he had ever known, and they shone for him like the most decadent ambrosia, the most luxurious jewels that he could no longer afford but did not miss. The months flew by like moments, and he held on with everything he had to the warm and luminous world Haruhi had created for him without even trying.

Winter released its last bit of hold on the world around mid March, and the cherry trees began to swell with buds. As though an internal clock was burst into action, Tamaki began planning the most spectacular cherry blossom ball that the Earth had ever known. Now that his funk had dissipated, he was back into host king mode with a fury, and he brought home diagrams and phone number lists and planning books he had written himself. What he now lacked in Suoh fortune, he more than made up for with connections and friends in high places who could help him out, most of them for free. And with the host club’s rather sumptuous budget, the affair promised to be a spectacular one. He was pleased to learn that the school agreed to host it on April eighth, and the thought of having such a splendid party on his eighteenth birthday was one that filled him to bursting with excitement. He worked that much harder on his party planning, to the point that he was pouring out so much creative energy that he went to bed each night pleasantly exhausted.

“You shouldn’t be working so hard,” Haruhi finally told him between kisses one night as he lay in the innocent darkness beside her on her futon. “You’ll run yourself ragged.”

The fact that she was worried made his insides dance rather deliciously and he smiled, reaching for her in the dimness and kissing her rather passionately. “But that’s my favorite thing, you know. Though it’s good to know my darling girlfriend is worried about me.”

Haruhi looked away, a little embarrassed, and he successfully stopped himself from giggling at her. She was just far too adorable for him to handle. “I just don’t want you to be too tired to finish your schoolwork, that’s all,” she told him, and he smiled. She was still sometimes reluctant to let him know just how much she cared about him, and after these months of being together, Tamaki had come to find it amusing rather than vexing.

“Are you sure you just don’t want me to be tired for you, ma chere?” he whispered playfully in the dark, placing a teasing and wet kiss on her neck. She jumped back a bit, eyes wide and a hand clapped over the place he had kissed, and he laughed happily. He had taken to saying things like this rather often recently, and her actions were often comical, though deep down it hurt him just a bit to know that he was the only one who thought of their relationship in a less innocent light.

“That’s not it,” she whispered, her cheeks obviously red even in the dimness.

“I’m sorry,” Tamaki said sincerely, caressing her cheek. He stared at her for a moment and his heart overflowed with love. “If it makes you feel better, I won’t say things like that anymore.”

“You don’t have to stop,” she said, her tone a bit encouraging. “I’m just not… really sure how to react. I’m not used to things like that.”

“I can help with that,” Tamaki told her, kissing her deeply and then kissing her neck delicately once, twice, three times. She shuddered in his arms and for a moment he had to pause to steady himself. For a moment she looked far too tempting to him and he had trouble containing his instincts. Tamaki had always been one who acted on pure instinct, and when she was staring up at him with those eyes, it was almost too much to bear. He kissed her mouth, sweet and a bit too deep, and then kissed her neck again, wetter and with more abandon with each kiss until he had found a spot that made her squirm and he was sucking there, where he could feel her pulse dancing just beneath his lips. For a moment he felt dirty and almost vampiric, feasting on her neck like some mythical beast of yore. Her hands gripped his shoulders and his moved from her waist to her hips.

“Senpai…” she muttered, but it wasn’t a warning or a complaint. She sounded a little breathless and he licked just a bit at her clavicle and then rose up to kiss her deeper than he had ever dared or imagined, squeezing her hips slightly. She kissed him back with a feverishness that surprised him, her tongue lashing back at his with an eagerness he had never seen her display, and at her enthusiasm he nearly lost control. One of his hands strayed without his real consent to hike up her t-shirt, where her bare skin was hot to the touch. His fingertips slid over her, just barely caressing, almost as though in worship. When her hips bucked forward just slightly under his hand at his touches, he had to pull back as he felt the intensity of his desire rocket through him with surprising force. He stopped kissing her and simply stared at her.

Haruhi’s face was flushed and her small chest, which was just barely covered by the cotton of her shirt where it had been pushed up, rose and fell rapidly. Those wide eyes were staring into his with surprise and confusion and what almost looked like the dark colors of desire. Slowly he pulled himself off of her and gently tucked her shirt back down around her torso. With a tenderness that he was more accustomed to than this fiery passion, he kissed her lips chastely and then simply held her close for a moment, feeling her breath hot and rapid against his ear.

“I love you,” his voice was hoarse and her returning whisper was more breathless than he could have imagined. He peeled himself away before she could notice the evidence of his yearning and kissed her goodnight on the forehead. With his head still swimming and his entire body pulsing with the heat of that new passion he stole back to his own futon in the dark.

duet, multi-chapter, rating pg-13

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