
Apr 14, 2011 22:00

Personal Information
Name: Stupei
Age: Twenty-four
Personal LJ: frogwolf
Email / AIM / MSN: / Stupei Iori

Character Information
Character Name: Anarchy Stocking
Fandom: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Source: Eat what you want and as much as you want! ... That only applies to me.

Character History: Stocking is an angel - literally. However, due to the persistent misbehaviour of her and her sister Panty, the pair were kicked out of Heaven. While it’s never explicitly said what they did to earn their exile, one can get a fairly good idea just from observing their lifestyles; after all, their lewd, selfish behaviour is hardly angelic.

As punishment, they were sent to live in Daten City; a metropolis built on the fault line between Heaven and Hell. In order to earn their way back into Heaven, the two angels must work to collect ‘Heaven Coins’ by destroying the monsters (referred to as Ghosts) which run rampant there, threatening to overrun the city. As the number of coins earned fluctuates from Ghost to Ghost, this turns out to be an arduous process.

While they are trapped on Earth, the sisters live in a church owned by Reverend Garterbelt (also called ‘Garter’). He provides them with food, shelter, and funding - And he also attempts to guide the wayward, motivationally-challenged angels. He passes along messages about the Ghosts they must face, which are usually relayed through their “dog” Chuck - He gets struck by lightning, and spits out a note with an ambiguous hint.

Early in the series, Panty and Stocking are approached by a principal to investigate a rash of disappearances at a local high school. They are enrolled in Daten City High in order to maintain some semblance of cover while they search for the ghost, but immediately throw discretion to the wind. Their good looks and outrageous antics allow them to quickly climb the social ladder, becoming known as the newest ‘Queens’ of the school.

It is there that they meet recurring character Brief; a young, awkward boy, who begins crushing on Panty the instant he sees her. While both girls frequently refer to the poor teen as “Geek Boy” and verbally abuse him, he enthusiastically seeks to help them with their Ghost hunting throughout their mission.

The story is initially presented in a “monster of the week” style - The episodes tend to be standalone tales, usually following Panty and Stocking’s quest to destroy as (crudely-themed) Ghost. There is very little flow and often times, it can be a little disjointed and nonsensical... But there are traces of an overarching plot.

At one point, Stocking mysteriously begins to gain weight - Which is abnormal for her, as she is typically able to eat whatever she likes with no consequence. In an attempt to regain her perfect figure and avoid Panty’s teasing, Stocking begins a strict exercise regime. Unfortunately, even near starving and working herself into the ground, she still continues to balloon up at a ridiculous pace, and eventually gives in and gorges on cakes.

The following morning, Stocking expands so that she is literally too fat to fit in the church. At this point, they receive another hint from Heaven, revealing that this was the work of a Ghost - The spirit of a woman who couldn’t diet. She created cakes that would make anyone who ate them morbidly obese. With Panty’s help, Stocking was able to vanquish the Ghost and regain her slender, angelic body.

This trend continues for quite a while - A Ghost appears, the sisters pull together in order to defeat it, and then return to their usual selfish antics. Considering the dramatic nature of some of the monsters they defeat, they manage to earn quite a reputation among the citizens of the city. Stocking is frequently overshadowed by Panty, but both in and out of high school, they are famous.

That is... until the two daughters of the mayor transfer to the high school. The Demon Sisters, Scanty and Kneesocks, are the polar opposites of the Anarchy Sisters - They thrive on order and rules, and are thoroughly disgusted by the angels poor behaviour. When the title of ‘School Queens’ is handed over to the new arrivals, a rivalry is sparked between the two parties.

What Panty and Stocking did not realize, was just how deep the rivalry would run. They soon realize that they are not ‘demons’ only in name - Scanty and Kneesocks are capable of using abilities similar to their own, transforming their own lingerie into demonic weapons. They even have their own... ‘dog’... creature named Fastener.

It slowly becomes apparent that the Demon Sisters are the ones responsible for creating the Ghosts; not that the angels ever seem to pick up on that fact, unless it’s waved directly in their faces. They continue to butt heads, competing with each other, or in the Demons’ case, trying to off the opposing side.

One of the Ghosts who was not associated with the Demon Sisters, however, has a far greater affect on Stocking.

While the two angels are out scouting for men, they spot a disgusting Ghost. To Panty’s horror, Stocking falls head-over-heels in love with him. She makes him homemade lunches and buys him whatever he wants, in return for nasty comments and putdowns. Believing that this is destiny, and that the Ghost is her true love, Stocking decides to leave her sister and Daten City behind and elope.

When Panty attempts to intervene, the Ghost claims that he does love Stocking, and presents her with a ring. What none of them realize, however, is the nature of the Ghost - He had been created by the regrets of men who had never experienced love. With Stocking’s acceptance of his proposal, he vanished, finally able to ascend to Heaven.

Despite the pain of her loss, Stocking moves on (rather quickly, thanks to the jagged flow of the series!) and they continue their quest to collect Heaven Coins.

Character Personality: Stocking is certainly not what one would expect from an angel.

Despite her heavenly roots, she is the embodiment of gluttony - Stocking is completely obsessed with sweet foods and is an expert on desserts. In fact, she will actually special order treats from heaven, and is always willing to wait in line for days just to get a specific type of cake. Sweets are her number one obsession, and they frequently take priority over everything else, including her mission.

In light of this, she is highly protective of her sweets, and will fly into a rage if anyone touches or moves them. She is also extremely sensitive about her weight (which usually doesn’t change) and is easily provoked when someone calls her ‘fat.’

While Stocking is the younger sister, she could easily be considered the more sensible and intelligent of the two (though that’s not saying much). She does appear to be slightly more aware of the consequences their actions will have; an example being her realizing that taking part in a porn video will reflect negatively on their upcoming movie, unlike Panty.

That said, Stocking is still quite naive, and doesn’t seem to have a real grasp on how the world works - She believes that by working, she and her sister can make three million dollars in three days, and doesn’t seem to understand how to actually work at a real job.

It would be a definite stretch to say that she is the more disciplined, as they both lack any sort of drive, but Stocking does seem to care a little bit about their mission on Earth. She would shirk her duty in an instant if it came down to Heaven Coins or pudding, but she will usually (reluctantly) go after ghosts when they have been spotted. Later on in the series, she is actually the only angel accepted back into heaven, thanks to her (limited) motivation.

Even though she is usually the more composed sister, Stocking is far from polite. She is not afraid of being cursing or being vulgar. She is extraordinarily blunt, and will always say what she means - Even when what she means isn’t socially acceptable. Because she tends to be faster on the uptake, her remarks are often a bit more cutting than Panty’s, rather than just mindless cussing.

Where Panty is obsessed with men and sex, Stocking doesn’t seem nearly as interested - And when she is, her tastes are a little... strange. She is certainly petty enough to steal her sister’s boytoys on occasion, but when she finds the right person (or ghost), she falls for them hard. The relationship shown in the series is borderline abusive; her chosen partner is cruel, saying all sorts of mean things and having her buy things for him. In return, Stocking is willing to forsake her mission and heaven for him.

This could also be linked to Stocking’s apparent masochism. She enjoys being tied up and even electrocuted - When they attempt to execute her, she is actually in ecstasy and doesn’t seem all that upset when they continue to shock her. To think that she would knowingly place herself in a relationship where she is verbally beaten down isn’t much of a stretch.

Powers: According to the Wikipedia, the Anarchy sisters have a ‘variety’ of powers. Not all of them are specified in the series or in the write-ups, so I’ll make note of what was shown.

Most notably, Stocking is capable of transforming her stockings into twin katanas (Stripes I and II). As Panty is able to use other people’s underwear as weapons, it’s safe to assume that Stocking’s abilities are similar - If she were to use the stockings/socks of another person, they would become blades of some sort. Once again using Panty as an example, the underwear seem to be a direct reflection of their original owner (Brief’s underwear took the form of a large shotgun, where a random boy’s was far smaller and weaker).

Due to their angelic nature, Stocking’s swords are not capable of harming humans. Supernatural beings like ghosts, angels and demons can be cut by the blades, but to a normal human, it would feel like being smacked with a blunt object. They will also slice through almost any inanimate object - she actually manages to bisect an entire truck in one cleave.

Like any other weapon, her katana also require regular maintenance. Despite their magical properties, the blades will get dull and breakdown if she doesn’t take proper care of them.

Stocking herself does not appear to age at all, as she isn’t technically alive. She is capable of superhuman feats, such as jumping several times her own height and moving extremely quickly. It isn’t possible to kill her through any normal means, as she is constantly electrocuted, beaten up, and forced to endure battles that would kill a human being ten times over.

Despite the ridiculous amount of junk food Stocking eats, she never gains weight. She doesn’t have to exercise, claiming that anything she gains goes to her breasts. (I’m not going to pretend this makes sense - Most of this series is on crack.)

Also, for some reason, angels are also endowed with ridiculously good luck. When gambling, Panty and Stocking win without fail, until the demon sisters intervene.

I’m not sure that this counts as an actual ability, but I felt that it should be mentioned as I wasn’t sure if she’d be able to keep it? Stocking is almost always seen carrying a plush cat named Honekoneko (Bone Kitten). It is not a sentient creature, but its expression frequently changes to match Stocking’s, and its head seems to be capable of limited movement. It also has been known to breathe fire on occasion. It is definitely a stuffed animal though, as Stocking once tears him to pieces out of frustration, leaving poor little cat limbs and fluff all over the floor.

First person:
[All things considered, Stocking doesn’t look particularly angry, so much as mildly annoyed - maybe even a little bored. Apparently, unusual circumstances aren’t anything new to her.

She glares at the camera, lips pursed around the stick of a lollipop.]

Oi, Panty.

If this is your idea of a joke, you’re more retarded than I thought. Has an STD finally rotted your brain?

If fuckin’ Afro Priest calls us to deal with a Ghost, you’re on your own. I hope you enjoy explaining yourself to him, when they have to peel you off of the street.

I had better be home in time for dessert, or I will make you order me Ploppy mint chocolate cakes for the next month.

Third Person: That bitch.

How could she possibly believe she’d get away with this? That stupid fucking whore really thought that she wouldn’t notice?!

There were a lot of things that Stocking let slide. The late night noise. The rancid old pizza left in the living room, rendered inedible by tabasco and chilli peppers. The dirty laundry left all over the church, the unsanitary bathroom strung with toilet paper both soiled and not, used condoms, broken furniture, dirty dishes, transforming her underwear to use as a sex toy-

But this was inexcusable!

“Where is it!?”

She cleared an entire shelf with a swipe of her arm, boxes and cans toppling to the floor with a clatter.


Stocking didn’t even bother to pick up after herself as she practically flew to the next cupboard, throwing down another shelf full of innocent food products. Curry powder and pasta carnage lay in her wake as she thrashed, roaring with the fury of an unfed tiger.

Her. Pudding. Was. Gone.

This was a disaster. A tragedy that could have been written by Shakespeare, and it still would not manage to portray the utter hopelessness and pain of the situation. The jar had contained Jean-Paul Heaven pudding - The legendary concoction with a five hundred year waiting list, softer than velvet, sweet enough to make an angel sing with ecstasy...

Well, provided that angel had a gluttonous need for sweet foods and her name was Stocking.

Even as she tore through the kitchen like a fifth category hurricane, she could find no sign of her precious pudding.

She had left it in the cupboard, clearly labelled with her name, in case her dumbass sister decided to go on another post-sex binge. Why she would even think of touching the heavenly dessert, when she despised all things sugary was beyond her - But there was no question in Stocking’s mind that the two-dollar tramp was the one responsible.

... And if it had been Chuck, then the zipper-dog had suffered several times over, having been kicked, slammed in a cupboard door, and literally thrown through a window.

No, this reeked of Panty. Too bad she ate her dessert first, because she was about to get a healthy serving of boot to the ass.

app, ooc

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