Let's start over.

Nov 29, 2010 21:32

So. I'm starting this LiveJournal OVER. Moving on from like sixth grade finally. I am disbelieving that I'm already 19 though. So how are things in the real world? I've been sinking further from reality into the land of Lolita. XD I created two (was it only two?) new dresses and two new skirts this semester alone. Though living in Lolita land isn't that bad at all! :3

I'm pretty much moving along with my major and should be on my way to graduation on time. I'd also like to see about squeezing in a semester of studying abroad at some point. I also can't wait to get together with some NYC local Lolitas this winter.

Today was a pretty good day. Long, but good. Tomorrow I've got a program at my place of work, which should be fun. I have a few commissions and other things to worry about, too. Not much homework as of right now, however.

lolita, school, daily life

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