Voice-out: "Gah, YouTube's gay. They always delete the good videos due to "copyright claims".
Watching: Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge「ヤマトナデシコ七変化」(LIVE ACTION) - Ep. 3
Eating: Melon slices. :3
Drinking: Punch
Listening to: KAT-TUN - No More Pain
10:45 AM
おはようございます。Good morning! Quite honestly, I never liked writing the first entry of a new blog, I really don't. But let's see what I can do.
My name is Miki Maruyama. I live in the United States, and speak a little Japanese (but I'm working on it!).
As a habit, I'll most likely type in Japanese here when you least expect it. (・ω・)/ But don't worry, I'll always include a translation for your convenience. (o^-')b
First of all, I'd like to say I'm a HUGE the GazettE, KAT-TUN (私はかめくんが大好きです! (≧▽≦) I ♥ Kame-kun. :3), and Da Mouth fan. Add me as a friend if you like any of those bands--at least we have something to talk about. I listen to their music every single day. Right now, I'm currently obssessed with KAT-TUN. It's a shame Jin left; they were all so great together! (>_<) But past is past... and still, things seem to be going well with KAT-TUN, don't you think?
Well, in this journal, I write almost anything Japanese-related. It's my journal, so I write whatever I want. And since it is my journal, I write anything that pops into my head without explaining what I mean. But really, it's just a habit.
はい (Yup.), so I guess that's it. Any questions? Just write a comment. Doesn't matter if you have an LJ account or not, you can submit a comment anonymously, but beware, I can still see your IP address if you do so, so I suggest making an account yourself or if you have an FB (Facebook) account, it works too.
Have any of you ever watched Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge the anime, or at least read a few of The Wallflower manga? If you haven't, either go
here and watch it ASAP or buy the manga NOW. Yeah, it's that awesome.
I actually discovered it after going to my local library to check out some mangas and there I found it. It's actually really hilarious (and full of bishies for all you bishi-loving fan girls out there!). After checking out two from the series, I decided to watch the anime myself. Turns out, it was way better! I finished watching all the episodes in two weeks last summer. (・・。)ゞ
And then, all of sudden, exactly a YEAR LATER, I found out that there was actually a live-action drama version of it! And best of all, Kame-kun's starring as... *drum roll* KYOHEI! Lol. And I have to admit, he really does make a good Kyohei. o.o To be honest, this is actually the first live-action drama I have ever seen Kamenashi in, and judging by his acting, I think I'll watch more in the future. The only difference between them was that Kyohei had blonde hair... o.o But nevertheless, he played the character pretty well!
The only thing I actually missed was Sunako's 鼻血 (nosebleed) habit whenever she sees a "bright" creature. XD But her whacking her head at Kyohei's is even better in the drama. Seriously, you just have to see it to believe it:
http://www.dramacrazy.net/japanese-drama/yamato-nadeshiko-shichi-henge/Hey, even KAT-TUN plays the opening theme song,
Love Yourself ~君が嫌いな君が好き~ (I Love the You That You Hate)! (●´ω`●)ゞ Not to mention the single was released a day after my birthday. (。・ε・。)Hm, well that's all for today, folks! First day of school is tomorrow and I need to start preparing; only 12 years old but starting 8th grade. (´・ω・`)
You can guess what this means: さようなら。