(no subject)

Feb 03, 2004 01:48

1. If you could go back to Freshman year, and pick a major (not Spanish or Business) what would it be?
Art!! Definitely. I wish I wanted to stay in school longer, because I'd get a BA in art too.

2. If you were stranded on a deserted island (no hope of return, but you had food, water and shelter) what 3 THINGS would you bring?
Hmm... Sarah on CD, Peggy Monkey, the Harry Potter series (that can count as one, right?) lol

3. What's your ideal job?
Something that incorporates all the things I love.. Art, Spanish, people, fun.. So...hmm a Spanish teacher (that gets paid a lot) lol

4. If you could have one meal with any person dead or alive who would it be, why, and what would you talk about?
With my mom's mom. I'd just want to tell her how things are going, ask her what she'd be doing right now if she were still here. That we miss her.

5. Because I like this question, what's your fav Amanda memory, not already mentioned?
EASY! It was the very first week or so when we were in the apartment on Lane.. we were gonna go out. You cranked the stereo. And when I turned the corner to go in your room... there you were, hairbrush in hand... "BABY YOU... GOT WHAT I NEED.. BUT YOU SAY HE'S JUST A FRIEND" hehehehe
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