(no subject)

Nov 10, 2010 15:49

I sent the e-mail.
He'd e-mailed be asking me when my Thanksgiving break was, so I told him to please leave me be. I tried my best to be polite. That I appreciate that he cares but it's making me uncomfortable and to please leave me be. That I didn't give him that contact info for a reason. That I don't appreciate him taking it upon himself to find it. That I don't want to talk about where I am or what I'm doing or when I'm coming back and if he can take me places or anything like that because I only know him as someone from work and stuff.

I hope that gives him the hint.
And I told my sisters, since I think the e-mail address he's been contacting me on might be the one I put down on my application for my job. Please don't let him have gotten it off that. That would mean he could know more stuff about me. Aah, don't scare yourself anymore, Berri.

Now I just have to hope he gets the hint and stuff.

Thank you to everyone who helped me out. I'm sorry to have bothered you all. But it really helped Berri be brave and tell him to go away.
It feels kind of nice to have that done.
Now I can start answering my phone again. Yaay.
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