The power went out.It was painful to deal with... but I got Phoenix Wright.Yay...
And then I come back and everyone's upset! @_@ Uguu~~I have no idea what happened. Something with Kokoro. Nyao... Is it prying to ask what it is? If it is then I don't mind being left in the dark~~ Izz fine~~
Um um...I'm worried about a lot of other people... But I dun wanna say it out loud...You probably know who you are..desu... Cheer up,okay? I don't quite understand why you're upset but I wanna make you happy again... >_<
A-and um... On the bright side... Dad's feeling better. And I've been having a lot of fun in
memento_eden... nii. The weather has been nice too. Though as I say this I check the weather channel and there's a storm due in an hour or two... Nihah...ha...It's okay, though! I'm getting really good at being brave! RAWR!
I would say 'arr~' but then Kajinrin is like "haha.Pirate". >_> Uguu... CHIBI Kajinrinchantan. Take that.
Um um... I also got more FMA DVDs. I'm up to volume 9. Gray and Robin were over a while back too. I was really glad to see them a second time... But that's it. No more until next year... Unless we go visit them on some break... nyo...
And I need to get in touch with Amanda!Mm! About Otakon!Yes!>_< I hope they're still okay with me tagging along...auuu...
Th-that's about it for my rambling~ Nipa~h.