Jun 29, 2007 21:55
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: You know my name
Birth Date: 28 August 1986
Current status: In a Relationship
Eye Colour: dark brown
Hair Colour: currently a brunette
Righty or Lefty: I wish I could say lefty so I can be unique, but unfortunately I’m not.
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: I don’t freaking know anymore!My tok ckp we have Benggali+ Arab.I guess that explains the lumps+wide frame.
Your Fears: blood and slimy things
Your Weaknesses: I’m paranoid about what ppl think/say about me. Ya, like I’m THAT important.hehe.
Your Perfect Pizza: Four Cheese.That’s all I can eat here.Others have pepperoni.
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: “Hmmm, what’s for breakfast?” or “Shoot! It’s late”
Your Bedtime: these days I try to sleep at 11pm cuz I gotta wake up at 7am.
Your Most Missed Memory: eating Mama’s chilli crab on Saturday with whole family.
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Neither. Im not so much a soda-person.
McDonald's or Burger King: I don’t mind either’s burger.But I like McD’s apple pie.
Single or Group Dates: usually single/none. If you know what I mean..
Adidas or Nike: No preference.
Tea or Nestea: Lime/Peach Nestea!!! I kata Peach tea my dad kata ”Pichyyyy!”
Chocolate or Vanilla: double twist sounds good.
Cappuccino or Coffee: I just found out I cant stomach coffee. I will get tummy ache and u know what comes out on the other side as the outcome of that. Hahaha.
Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: Everyone is a secondary smoker-if not primary! I’m secondary.
Curse: only when I am super super pissed.
Think you've been in love: Sure thing. Even during cinta monyet pun I think I’m in love.
Go to school: Yep. Gotta feed my kids(in future laa).
Want to get married: Yes and No. Yes, cuz it’ll be more convenient (and fun too) and No because there are things to be settled (studies, money issues etc).After all, marriage is one in a lifetime thing (I hope).
Believe in yourself: Oh ya.
Think you're a health freak: I’m not a health nut but since I took “Food Science and Folklore” class, I started to be more conscious about what goes in- I started reading labels, estimating calories and cook meat safely (gotta be careful of Listeria/ E.coli). Also, since it’s summer, I’ve been swimming alot and going to the gym to play badminton with Phil. He’s getting a lot better.
Layer Six: In The Past Month
Have you..
Been to Mall : Yes. In fact, I just got home from Target just now.I bought a babyblue+black swimdress.
Been on stage: Yep, since kindergarten-I lost my shame and started performing under the limelight eversince.
Eaten sushi: Oh yaa!I love tamago+unagi.
Dyed your hair: Yes, its currently medium copper.
Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: LOL
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Sure I did. When I first came to college, I started behaving like those pathetic American bimbos-talk in fake-ish high speech, being stupid and superficial, tried a couple of horrible things-just to conform to their “coolness”. Fortunately, I realized who I truly am and I know people who love me will do so for who I am.
Layer Eight: You're Hoping
To Be Married: …lets keep this one a surpriseJ..
For a: guy who respects my belief and principles, bears with my quirkiness and washes the dishes after I cook for both of us. Also won’t complain when I gained a couple of pounds-in fact, loved me in whatever shape I am. Luckily, I found him.
Layer Nine: In a Man
Best Eye + Best Hair Color Combination: light eyes and dark hair combination is attractive.
Short Hair or Long Hair: For sure short.
Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Typing this survey again because stupid LJ did not save it!
1 Hour Ago: watching What NOT to Wear-me n Phil’s favorite show.
4.5 Hours Ago: were at Target, trying on cheap but pretty clothes that I didn’t buy because I made a pact with my Piggy Bank.(promised to feed him more..Sob Sob..)
1 Month Ago: Hey, how am I suppose to specifically remember?? Hmmm..lemme think..OK screw this- I looked at my organizer in which I wrote under June 29th (last month la!) “Culture [Malay] with Phil, Award event, Cover for Lisa 2.45-6 [work]”.I guess those were things I did.
1 Year Ago: Last summer I was left alone here doing classes and dancing at the gym.
Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: Abah Mama,Akak,Apis,Phil, you guys!
I Feel: content..currently..
I Hate: dumb people, people who can’t decide, cyber-PDA, people who talk about how their sex was last night on the Unitrans (bus).In general, I hate senseless and inconsiderate people.
I Hide: many things.Currently hiding a spanking new rotating spice rack from my housemates. Not like they would care but I’m just kedekut laik dat.
I Miss: ppl I LOVE (check above)
I Need: more love, more money, more everything!haha, I just realized how ironic it is that I wrote “content” 3 sentences ago..ish ish ish..”geleng paler”