Aug 07, 2003 18:03
I was thinking about this b/c well I drove by someone who was a huge part of of my life for a long time today. I had thought that I had moved on pretty much since I ended things with him a long time ago. But seriously my heartbroke the second I saw him, and seeing his response was completely devastating. He looked at me the way a man might look at a whore that ended his marriage, so that was not very uplifting. And though I've progressed to the point were I can operate with out him, (and I don't want a relationship in any form with him) I still feel as if I have some "moving on" to do. Is there a time line to getting over heartache? If so does the length of time measure the amount of love you have/had for the person, and finally do 1st loves ever really end?
and people still wonder why I'm a little bitter lol