Last day of school

Jun 21, 2005 22:22

Today was my last day of school!!! It was okay. I'm just happy that it's over with! Christina and I got mixed up though. We went to school at 7:30 (regular time) and found out that we didn't have to be there until noon, which was when we had to take our U.S. History regents! Ah, I was so mad! I could have slept in longer!!! I didn't wanna call my mom up and bug her so Christina and I stayed in school for...HOURS. We got breakfast and luckily, we bumped into Matt. It just so happens that he forgot as well! Hahaha! We are so kewl. We just sat around & talked, then he went to sleep. Christina & I were gonna put some make-up on him as a prank, but this dumb kid walked in and said "what are you girls doing?" so I said "None of your business!" and I guess he saw the make-up in my hand so he ran over, woke Matt up, and yelled "They are gonna put make-up on you!!" so that totally ruined it all. I had an argument with that kid cause it really isn't his business. Geez, can't I have some fun once and a while? Matt bugs me all the time so I wanted to get back at him! Grrr, I'll get back at him some other time. Muhahaha. (Keep one eye open ALWAYS, Matthew!*wink*) Woo, I rock!

Over the weekend: Christina stayed over Friday, Saturday, Sunday, & Monday! lol. My mom officially adopted her! Friday we went to the "Y" and went swimming, went in the sauna, and then we went back to my house and watched "Superstar"! Oh my lord, I have never seen that movie and I have never laughed so hard in my life. I love it! That movie is priceless. lol. Saturday we went on a paranormal investigation at Madison Hall. They kept it open just for us so we took some pictures and got really great ones. We had a lot of activity. Christina & I saw a lot of great stuff there. It was really incredible! I don't know how anyone could not believe in ghosts. They are most definitely real, but whatever. lol. People have their own beliefs and whatever. They are just missing out on the fun, as well as the knowledge. Sunday we walked around Wal-Mart and bought some stuff for Monday such as goggles, sun tan lotion, etc. etc. Then went home and sang some karaoke! Woo hoo! lol. Tons of fun!<333 Monday we all went to Enchanted Forest Water Safari up in Old Forge. I love Old Forge. It's so peaceful, beautiful, and relaxing. That place is so much fun! Besides Christina & I, my friend Vaughn and his mom *Melody*, my brother Danny, and my mom all went there. We got some ice cream, then went into the park and had a blast!

We had a great time, but the best was when we all went into the "Amazon River". (Picture here- )Hahah. I most definitely havta tell you guys this. Okay, Christina, Danny, Vaughn, and I ALL went into that one float. We SQUEEZED to fit, then the guy pushed us, and wasn't paying ANY attention so we got stuck on a rock so we all had to get together to get away from the rock, which we accomplished in about 60 seconds. lol. It was hilarious. We were going down and you could feel the SLIDE because our butts were rubbing up against it. lol. Then we looked down and saw that our float had a HOLE in it so it started filling up with FREEZING COLD water. Then Vaughn almost falls out of the float because he was being dumb by standing up on it and "surfing". lol! That was the funniest thing. I had so much fun!

After water safari, we went to this beautiful late right by the park. There were little baby fish swimming around in the lake. The water was cold, but I jumped in and got used to it quickly. Christina went under with his goggles and found a golf ball so we were just throwing it around and being dorks, since we are just awesome like that. lol. I have MAJOR sun burn and I'm in SO MUCH pain. I can barely walk. It's all over my legs, arms, face, shoulders, etc. etc. It's horrible, but I know it's gonna be one heck of a tan so I'm excited!:) I'm sad that Christina is home now cause I won't be seeing her all summer, since she'll be with her Grandfather about 2 hours away from home.:( I'll miss you, Christina! Have a great summer...without me. lol. I'm trying to make you feel bad so you don't go! lol. Just kidding! Have fun and I'll definitely see you at the end of August.:)<333

That's all for now. LATER...
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