May 20, 2005 11:37
Hi, yes I'm alive it's been over a month and somehow I have managed to not update at all. It's amazing what can go on in such a small amount of time but for real, I still have been keeping up with all your lj's it's just I read them all at once and have no time to comment. Um yea other then that, everything's cool I guess minus one thing but that just sucks at life so whatever.
Odvar got me a cool smartphone that's only available in Europe go figure so only like 3 other people in the country have it. Amazing. Sucks for him Cingular has begun selling his phone so now everyone's gonna get the Audiovox 5600 SMT which again has been out for years in Europe just like mine lol.
Um work hah what a joke that place has turned into such bullshit with their added on Best Buy for Business bullshit, I can't stand that crap. And I think I basically spoke for everyone yesterday on how much it sucks and is pointless but of course no one is going to care because I told the GM and he was like er. W/e.
I finally have a cd player in my car as Odvar got me one of those too, so now I have the XM and that but I don't want to have to XM anymore lol... I missed my music, especially after XM started to suck and play the same shitty bands over and over or well at least some good bands shitty music over and over, honestly the best thing ever there was "kobrakai" and some spice girls song that made me el oh el. Other than that eh no just kidding I love xm it's just dumb they jacked the price up so yea it needs to be cancelled asap!
What else what else, I want to do something different but I don't know what, nice aye, oh well.
And yea I'm still playing Wow, lvl 31 and a half since someone was going to play 31 for me and get me to 32 but that didn't work. I love it how I have so much money there and then I go and buy like way to much stuff cuz I can, it's amazing! I want to get to lvl 40 so I can get a mount but first everyone else has to get to 60 so they can help just me, I'm the only low lvl player and it sucks, makes me sad :)
And oh the ps3 is gonna cost a zillion dollars that's nice especially since it's a freaking computer with a better graphics card then two 6800 ultra's wtf!? yea w/e it sucks balls and so will the xbox with it's lame as whoa casing... lame lame perhaps that will lower the price for the ps2 to like $99 like the gamecube hahaha.
so yea I think Im done, I dont work today so off to play Wow after I finish doing some stuff.