Adjusting is good.

Sep 14, 2006 13:34

Hello again all,

So, considering the frustrating internet service at my flat, I've resigned myself to doing most of my computer work when I have breaks between classes. *nods* Adjusting is good.

I think I'm kind of getting the hang of living in London now, btw.

So... who wants an SPN XOVER crack!fic (and I do mean crack... )?

I've got to send it off to a beta, but the prologue should be done soon.

It's a super sekrit crossover, but it may or may not have to do with some other crazy kids traveling the country in a rockin' vehicle... *looks around shifty eyed*... was that obvious? Or are you all just completely confuzzled?

*whispers* They may or may not have a pet with them...

Right, so, now I'm late for class. *runs off* Hope to be seeing more of y'all soon!
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