Mar 03, 2010 03:13
The drunk girls on my hall wrote "SLUT" on my door.
I wrote "You wish <3" underneath.
Ah Business majors. They always write the whiteboard on my door. It doesn't bother me what they say because haha... they're the ones out breaking the law drinking underage half the week while studying for the MRS. degree. (Ergo, partying their way through college until they get pregnant/marry.)
I wonder why they selectively target my door. I haven't spoken a word to them since I moved in. I don't leave my dorm room but to go to class, eat, or buy fabric. Perhaps it's my pink hair. Maybe they don't like my knee length skirts. It could be that I'm an engineer.
It's mostly just annoying and unnecessary. I have refrained on making comments on their illegal activities while they erase my whiteboard and write "NO." and "SNITCH" <- they were being loud as usual and i guess they thought I turned them in?
They sing songs (poorly) for several hours a day on weekends (and often weeknights). One time I got them to shut up by opening my door and yelling "I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE, YOU OTHERBROTHERS CAN'T DENY. THAT WHEN A GIRL WALKS IN WITH A ITTYBITTYWAIST AND A ROUNDTHING IN YOUR FACE YOU GET SPRUNG! etc" and yes, I know and can sing on command the entirety of "Baby got back".
Oh it's also 3:07 am and their TV is too loud and my roommate snores the way I imagine a walrus would. Hence LJ entry.