[OOC] My headcanon, let me show you it o/

Apr 02, 2008 11:39

So the awesome thing about a tiny brand-new series is that you get lots of headcanon!
The not-awesome thing thing is the looming possibility of being creator'd, but MOVING ON FROM THAT.

Various short essays on mixed this-is-my-headcanon; therefore there are SPOILERS up to Retrace 23 even though Sharon, like Break and Oz and Gil, was apped from an earlier point. Yay. :Db To be added to/updated as more canon comes out, I figure out more headcanon, or the whim strikes. ♥


Even seeing what Retrace 23 revealed about Sharon and Break's backstory, I still have this feeling she's older than she initially appears -- certainly, she is at least twenty-three or twenty-four, lol timeskip; Remus, after all, barely looks any older than he did when Sharon was a tiny real!loli and her mother was still around. Also, I find it a little peculiar that Break would tease her about being a shotacon if she was actually younger than Oz at that point -- she supposedly can't go to the ceremony proper because she's thirteen, right? I'm not sure I'd buy Break dicking around with her on that (especially because it seems to be something he's teased her about before, from how he phrases it) if she were the age she claims to be at that point.

Having my own copy of v1 showed an interesting translation error on the part of the scanlators: Sharon is initially introduced as the granddaughter of the Duchess Lainsworth, though she still mentions coming to Oz's coming-of-age ceremony on her mother's behalf. We know something happened to Sheri Lainsworth; we just don't know what, yet. Coupled with Retrace 23, I am inclined to believe Sheri died shortly after Oz was thrown into the Abyss, though she might've been ill/incapacitated for a long time before that -- enough that Sharon would be considered acting-heir and have already been indoctrinated into Pandora by this point.

I ... actually have the feeling that around the time Sheri 's health began failing, that was when Break swore to her he wanted to find out the "truth of 100 years ago," and also when Sharon joined Pandora. Retrace 23 makes me think a lot of their actions were set into motion by Sheri's -- illness, for lack of a better "what happened to her" theory. Sharon's comment about "wanting to be useful" to Break sort of cements that for me; I don't think she's necessarily jealous of her mother, but she knows how much Break loved her mother, and wants to be able to not replace her, but at least be an acceptable substitute.

SO WITH THAT IN MIND, until I get canon'd, I'm going to assume that Sharon is at least signifigantly older than Oz and Gil (and maybe Vincent?) and play her accordingly. o/

Let's move on to characters!

Oz/the Vesalius House -- It's pretty safe to assume that the Vesalius and the Lainsworth are on good terms with each other; the Lainsworth family seems to be the only one of the four Houses invited to Oz's coming-of-age ceremony. As such, Sharon is already inclined in a friendly manner towards Oz; for politeness' sake, she will generally refer to him as an ally and how their Houses are friendly with one another. As for Oz personally, I think she's willing to take on the "good cop" role for him (see Gil's section for greater detail on this), because she finds him genuinely charming and pleasant on his own (also, a lot of her impressions of him probably come colored via Gil, lololol see his section again). At the same time, I think she, like Break, is occasionally exasperated and irritated by his tendencies towards the suicidal and the stupid -- but she's much more inclined to be sympathetic and gentle towards him.


Alice -- Sharon is obviously unconcerned by whatever threat Alice OR Bea Rabbit could pose to her. I think this is less because Sharon's underestimating Alice as she has confidence that Alice is reckless enough to make mistakes that either Sharon or Break can take advantage of. I wouldn't be surprised if Sharon's done some research on Bea Rabbit from Pandora's files after finding out Oz had contracted with her. However, being that Sharon is such a "my pace" kind of girl, she finds Alice's tsuntsun adorable and will continue to treat her as such. It may possibly end up Break : Oz :: Sharon : Alice, but we'll have to see how it goes. :)

Gil/the Nightlay House -- hoooooookay, so. We know that Break recruited Gil into Pandora pretty much immediately after the botched coming-of-age ceremony, and that Sharon basically smoothed the way with Oscar for Gil to be adopted (returned to?) the Nightlay House, where he eventually obtains a contract with the chain Raven. I may be assuming too much, but I get the feeling that Break and Sharon adopted Gil as "theirs" to train when he officially entered Pandora; he's no longer the shy earnest little boy who'd never call Oz anything but "young master" -- Sharon is likely of equal rank as Oz, but he calls her just by name, without a "Miss" or "Lady" attached to it. I feel a lot like Sharon was "good cop" to Break's "bad cop" as Gil was growing up, in that whenever Break was tormenting him or drilling him or just plain making his life miserable, Sharon was at least the one who could pull it back, and was possibly one of the few people Gil WOULD talk to about Oz.

For her part, with my assumption that Sharon is older than Gil, I think Sharon has taken on a surrogate-mother role for Gil -- see their conversation at the end of v3, when Sharon is drying Gil's hair and telling him there are important things he hasn't yet told Oz; it reads like a familiar scene, as though they've done similiar before. Of everyone in her canon that's in camp, I think Sharon cares the most for Gil after Break; he's the one she's watched grow up over ten years and the one she's worked with; the one that I really think she's taken care of, and as such, is quite protective of him when she feels it necessary.

ON THE NIGHTLAY TANGENT: the Nightlay House is ... not popular in Lybia lololol; they're the "shadows" to the Vesalius "light" and seem to be generally ... suspicious. On the other hand, we've seen that the Lainsworth and the Nightlay are polite towards each other -- Vincent brings Oz and the others to Sharon's estate when Gil refuses Nightlay hospitality, and it is Break, not Sharon, who exhibits hostility and discomfort with Vincent and Echo being around. It would not surprise me if Vincent and Sharon are politely acquainted, as both of them are members of high society that are roughly (lol whut) the same age. Vincent is also familiar/part of (?) Pandora, so they're likely business associates, as well, and I doubt they've been anything but impeccably polite and pleasant to each other. That being said, Sharon's quite aware of Break's intense and deepseated hatred of ALL NIGHTLAY RAWR KILL DIE, so ... she likely avoids Vincent if Break's around, to avoid Unpleasant Scenes. :(

Break -- LONG STORY SHORT: Sharon loev Break. :(b

On a more indepth note, I mentioned earlier about Sharon's desire to be useful to Break (who gladly and cheerfully uses people, and there is such an irony there since she's also one of the few people he doesn't think about solely in that manner), and how I'm pretty sure this ties back into her wanting to be good enough that he at least misses her mother a little less. :\ It would not surprise me if Sharon decided to join Pandora so she could stay close to Break and basically act as his support, especially when her mother no longer could (if, in fact, she ever did; want moar canon soon plz;;;).

Furthermore, no matter how old Sharon really is, Break was certainly there to watch her grow up for most of it -- she literally called him "Xerx-niisan" when she was tiny, and it's obvious she still thinks of him that way -- comparing him and Oz that way, and calling him that when she was SOANGRY! in Retrace 23. Break is sort of the ... big brother/father?/guardian/I suspect girlcrush/tie back to her mother/the kitchen sink? to Sharon; she admits that she keeps her chain in his shadow most of the time, so that even when they're apparently separated, they're together. He's someone that she knows and is one of the few who really breaks down her ladylike facade and good manners, whether by teasing her or making her hit him with a halisen for being an idiot. >(

And seven times out of ten, if I-the-player see Break around, you will be guarenteed that Sharon will be close by. :|b Toppy loli loev her clown. :)

AND FINALLY, few brief thoughts on Sharon's chain Equus: IT'S A BLACK HELL UNICORN. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!


Unfortunately, while we know Sharon CAN fight with it, and was willing to engage the Cheshire Cat with Equus, we never get to see much of it before Echo STABS HER IN THE BACK come to camp, knife loli ;o;b. Mostly, though, she seems to use it as an information-gathering tool; I still need to sit down with canonmates and hash this out, but Equus may or may not be lurking around, once I figure out if I want to use it in the same capacity, and how.

Someday I will write fic about people and their chains. This is because I cannot draw Sharon dressed as a medieval princess with a BLACK HELL UNICORN lying with its head in her lap.

...Annnnnnd that's all she wrote! For now. :)

Canonmates are encouraged to make suggestions/corrections for bits of ACTUAL canon that I have missed. o/

ooc, o canon my canon, housekeeping

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