90 Day Check in

Apr 23, 2009 16:38

Had my 90-day Check in at the Y today. It went well and I thought the criticisms were spot on so perhaps that means that the compliments were also spot on. Here are the highlights:

Good Traits:
*No task too small or too big, I don't mind getting it done.
*Sense of Urgency in my own work load
*High Energy
*Take Initiative
*Hold my own in the department
*Don't let the little things bother me
*Don't internatilize criticism / office drama
*Show continued interest in learning

Growth Opportunities:
*Begin to make my own lists-- she's double checking that I'm getting my list done.
*Attention to detail: Continued from my first position at the Y (Both Chris & Tammy said that I need to work on this)
*Improve my communication style: realize the difference of Personal Style (journaling) vs. Professional style.
*Professionalism comment: Be aware that I sometimes "sigh" at my desk.
*Pay attention to rewriting / drafting / editing changes
*Make sure I'm using the correct sense of urgency when I request information from others ... Know when to ask for information and how long that information takes to provide.
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